Welcome to Drain Man Plumbing

At Drain Man Plumbing, we specialize in plumbing and heating services, ensuring your home remains comfortable and functional all year round.

Multiple metal pipes are mounted along a textured concrete wall. The pipes vary in size and are arranged both vertically and horizontally, connected by clamps and a junction box.
Multiple metal pipes are mounted along a textured concrete wall. The pipes vary in size and are arranged both vertically and horizontally, connected by clamps and a junction box.
Two large red industrial pipes with pressure gauges and valves are mounted on a utility wall. The pipes have labels with numbers and are connected to other smaller pipes and devices.
Two large red industrial pipes with pressure gauges and valves are mounted on a utility wall. The pipes have labels with numbers and are connected to other smaller pipes and devices.
A man is bending over near a series of taps mounted on a tiled wall in a long corridor. The corridor has a tiled floor and a ceiling supported by metal beams. A wet area is visible on the floor, suggesting recent use of water. The man is wearing a white t-shirt and camo shorts. A bag hangs from his shoulder.
A man is bending over near a series of taps mounted on a tiled wall in a long corridor. The corridor has a tiled floor and a ceiling supported by metal beams. A wet area is visible on the floor, suggesting recent use of water. The man is wearing a white t-shirt and camo shorts. A bag hangs from his shoulder.

About Drain Man Plumbing

Located in Ridgefield Park, NJ, we pride ourselves on quality service and customer satisfaction. Call us at 973-636-1125 for your plumbing needs.

Our Location

Drain Man Plumbing is located in Ridgefield Park, NJ, providing expert plumbing and heating services to the local community.


190 Preston St. Ridgefield Park, 07660, NJ